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Kami Katana

Just a quick and dirty would be that it's a surprising blade. It is admittedly a little too gaudy, which pretty much turned me off until i actually saw it in person. it's a *really* fast blade. i think the pob is around 5.5"-6". It is definitely designed to cut, as well. The geometry is *slightly* thick, to make up for the bohi, and is quite broad, with a toyoma (not tapering) profile. Thus the manouchi is just about as broad as at the hamachi. The blade performs better than the other folded pc stuff, in my opinion. if i had it to do over again(which i guess is always a possibility) I would say it needs *really* plain fittings to counter-act the blade. In all honesty, I will probably end up getting one again someday, but I'll have to really be in the mood, as it could be a pricey project. It actually performs similarly to the bugei stuff, but is a little more expensive, which is definitely not a plus. As far as the aesthetics go, apart from the f/k and tsuba it's not half bad. The saya, although bright, isn't incredibaly gaudy. The horimono throws some people off, but it was actually well executed, and if the mountings weren't so flashy it would be a really nice touch. Imagine if bugei suddenly released one of their swords with horimone similar to the theme, without changing the fittings. It would sell in a flash and probably be really well liked.

-Les Yeich